If you are being threatened or sued by Manolete Partners then hire solicitors with experience and success in litigating against them. Simon Burn Solicitors are one of the few that can say this.
There has been a trend in recent years for Insolvency Practitioners to sell claims to companies known as litigation funders. One firm that proudly boasts to be the market leader in this area in Manolete Partners.
Litigation funders, including Manolete purchase claims from liquidators or administrators, often for very small amounts of money and will then pursue litigation targets who are often directors of insolvent businesses in the hope of making a large financial gain.
Manolete and other ligation funders use experienced and knowledgeable law firms to try to extract as much money as possible from their litigation targets. When being pursued many people feel that their usual solicitors do not have the experience or expertise to match those used by the litigation funder.
At Simon Burn Solicitors we have a depth of experience and expertise in fighting claims brought by litigation funders that few other firms have. We have deep expertise in contested insolvency cases. Crucially we have experience in litigating against litigation funders in Court including Manolete. To read about a case where we did exactly this click here.
If you have been threatened with a claim or are being sued by Manolete or another litigation funder and want to be represented by solicitors who have experience of dealing with claims brought by litigation funders contact us as soon as possible and we will do our best to protect you, help you and get the right outcome for you. The sooner you contact us the sooner we can turn the tables in your favour.
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This firm is regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority under SRA No. 516917
T: 01242 228 444 (Cheltenham) | T: 0121 371 0301 (Birmingham)
This firm is regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority under SRA No. 516917
Simon Burn
Simon Burn
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